Chris posts
Order your copies of Edubuntu today, its free
I wrote a post in my EdNA group about shipit and how to get free copies of Edubuntu for yourself and your students. I orderred 60 …
First video of a working One Laptop Per Child laptop
For those that missed it, check out the $100 laptop video on youtube or just click play below.
It’s the ability to learn tools, not the tools themselves
From: Mark Shuttleworths Blog It’s the ability to learn tools, not the tools themselves Wednesday, April 26th, 2006One of the big debates we are having at …
Linux Australia Urges the Federal Govt. Not to Abandon Consumer and Competition Interests
From: Linux Australia Urges the Federal Govt. Not to Abandon Consumer and Competition Interests Posted: June 14th, 2006, 11:48pm EST by Pascal The press release …
DEFECTIVE BY DESIGN The flashmobs are at it again, this time it was Apple. Check out Apple Events June 10th.You can help thwart DRM. Take the …
Blog Update
I updated my blog to WordPress 2.0.2 and decided to clean it up and make sure its valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional, you can test that its …