Chris Harvey Blog
Chris Harvey

Chris Harvey


Order your copies of Edubuntu today, its free

I wrote a post in my EdNA group about shipit and how to get free copies of Edubuntu for yourself and your students. I orderred 60 copies of Edubuntu so if your near Brisbane and looking for a copy then send me a message. I read Klepas blog and his copies already arrived so you can see what I’m talking about below.

The bird has arrived

Hey, awesome! The Dapper Drake CDs I ordered for free from have arrived. I received the trio of Ubuntu flavours: UbuntuKubuntu and Edubuntu.

Ill be giving almost all away, so if you live near me, give me a buzz. Ill also bring them to CLUG next month and Dad has already nicked a copy of each flavour for the next PCUG meetup. Ive got:

  • Kubuntu (x86 and 64-bit)
  • Ubuntu (x86, PowerPC and 64-bit)
  • Edubuntu (x86)

And of course this entry would not be complete without some photos:


I love the Edubuntu cover. 

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