A couple of weeks back Noiesmo set up Xgl and compiz on my system and quite a few people have been really impressed by it. Some people no matter what they do they just want to look good while doing it while others couldn’t care less. Below are a few screenshots, I probably should have changed the black background to make it look a bit cooler but till you see it in action its hard to get a good idea of what its really like.
Noiesmo recently updated his Xgl howtos, for both Nvidia and ATI video cards. They have his guides on freenode kubuntu bot which means in irc chat you can type a message !xgl in #kubuntu channel and it links to his howtos. How good is that. Its nice to have his help. Thanks Noiesmo from everyone, this is a really cool thing for kids to play with. You can have a closer look at these images on the gallery.