Chris Harvey Blog
Chris Harvey

Chris Harvey



I have been updating the site once again and added MobilePress a great plugin which renders your WordPress blog on mobile handsets.

The plugin allows specific themes for specific devices / mobile browsers, such as iPhone, Opera Mini, Windows CE Mobile and other generic handset browsers.

The plugin also allows WordPress theme developers to create custom mobile themes for WordPress blogs using the MobilePress plugin. Therefore, theme designers can create specific iPhone themes or generic themes. Think of MobilePress as an enabler for WordPress on mobile.

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3 thoughts on “MobilePress”

  1. I got to know about this plugin few days back and I installed it on my blog. The plugin works great. Though the downside is due to adsense or any advertisement code , it make your blog look ugly in mobile. If you are not using any adsense code around your blog posts. This plugin will be very handy to get an extra edge from mobile internet users.


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